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what are you most excited for at college?
riya ravuri

Anakin Trotter
“[LA] is close enough from home that I can visit every once in a while, but far enough away that I don't have to live at home or visit all the time, so I can still have my independence. [UCLA] was my top choice, [and] I always wanted to go to school in Southern California. I think I'm most excited about actually getting to eat good food instead of whatever we have at home. I've heard that the food is really good in LA, so I'm excited.”

Anjali Sinha
“I actually was very firm on staying in California, and I didn't want to go out of state at all. But when it got closer to application deadlines, I realized that maybe staying in California is not really what I want and I should try to venture out more. The school that I'm attending has small class sizes, and it's more of a close knit community vibe. Just the education that they had to offer me was the best offer that I received. I do like the city — I think it's a little bit different than [what I’m used to] though. It's more of an outdoorsy city where everyone likes going hiking. But I think it's a good change because I don't really like going outside that much, so I'm excited that it has more to offer me.”

Ashwatha Tulsi
“I always wanted to go to college [on] the East Coast, [but] I chose [University of Pittsburgh] because I knew it would be in an environment that I would thrive in. For example, it’s [in] a city, it's one of the top schools for my major, which is philosophy and psychology, as well as [it has a] good alumni connection, supportive professors and overall, it's not too cutthroat — everybody's supportive. I honestly wanted to network in other parts of the country because I'm not somebody who travels a lot. I wanted to see if I could push myself to go explore other parts of the country and meet different people.”

Austin Ota
“Stepping onto the campus at the University of Oregon, [I had] this gut feeling that this is where I want to be, this is what I want to do. They’re super inclusive — I know politics aren't everything, but their morals aligned with [mine] pretty directly. They have great sports programs, which is really big for me … their whole athletic program is sponsored by Nike, because Nike was created through [University of Oregon]. I think I'm most excited to go to sports games [and] get that campus vibe, like tailgate before games.
I didn't realize how much I liked [Oregon] until I was there. The nature is beautiful, it's super green … Oregon’s great.”
I didn't realize how much I liked [Oregon] until I was there. The nature is beautiful, it's super green … Oregon’s great.”

Marie Sandler
“I wasn't specifically set on going there when I was applying in the fall, but it is a beautiful city that I love. I just really love the college culture in general — I feel like it suits me well. The campus has a beach and a forest and has views of the mountains, and as a very outdoorsy person, I think that is very nice. I want to go into Bioinformatics, and after talking to some people who work in the field, they said that University of British Columbia [is] quite good for that. So I was like, ‘Well, why not?’”

Naimisha Adira
“I didn't necessarily care what location I went to, I just knew I wanted to go to a good school, [but] I preferred the East Coast. I chose [Case Western] for their amazing pre-med opportunities — I'm [pursuing] pre-med, and I just thought it was impossible for me to [not] go to a college in a location where you'll be completely immersed in [medicine]. It was a place where I thought I'd get the best education and it fit my idea of a college very well. It's very much like a city life, which kind of contrasts Cupertino where it's a little more [of a] suburbia. I'm just excited to experience a lot more diversity, because our school is pretty limited. We have a mostly Asian population, but being able to go to a school where you all sort of had similar interests going into college, but also different in the fact that we all have different backgrounds, that's what I'm most excited about.”

Neo Nishino
“[Japan was] kind of a second option, but it became more of a first option because of COVID[-19] … COVID[-19] hit a lot of uncertainties here in America, while in Japan it was a lot more controlled, and so there's a lot more planning I could do [in Japan] that would be more set in stone. With the [pandemic] getting better, I slightly regret my decision, but I think it's still going to be a lot better and a lot simpler over there. I just want to live my college life in a world that [isn’t] as toxic as America. I'll definitely be in a place where I won't know anybody, so [I’m excited about] creating new connections, seeing the sights [and] learning the culture.”
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